Blade Runner
- John Alvin 7 Designer
- Poster 1891
- Illustration 321
- Warner Bros. 10
- paper 1538
Locations Made
- United States 817
- California 246
- Los Angeles 93
Blade Runner (1982), by John Alvin's poster, is one of truly big graphic design. The poster is 61 cm x 91 cm, offset litho. The poster shows a dark and dystopian city under bright neon light and the lead actors of the film. Alvin created the poster with intense manual rendering for a look that would be suitable for the intricate themes of the film. The poster has been the benchmark for many science fiction and cyberpunk films ever since. It transcended being merely an ad for a film, it became a work of beauty, a piece of collectible art that saw graphic design create an indelible mark on society.