Bring in ‘da  Noise Bring in 'da Funk(1995)


Paula Scher is a very influential female graphic designer and has been designing for over 40 years. She works in New York City  for Pentagram design consultancy. As a designer, she uses hand lettered type and  experimental typography.  As seen in this work, Scher uses both hand written lettering and assorted type sizes and styles to create a sense of movement and creativity for this poster to represent tap dance at the theatre. This poster is for the Public Theatre in New York. 

In the height of  modernisms popularity in America, Scher was against the style and worked to make unique designs with hand lettered type. She felt that the simplicity of the style used by large corporations represented complicity in the Vietnam war. Ever since then, Scher has used her unique perspective and voice to promote minor culture with distinctive type faces that reflected more than the mass culture promoted by modernism. She served as role model for people to branch out of the over arching modernist style and use their voice in their work. Her work and position in the field makes minor cultures more accessible for the everyday viewer and makes headway for future female designers to flourish. 

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