Illustration for Blast Off 


Diane and Leo Dillon first crossed paths in 1953 while attending college together. They met at the beginning of a vital time for change; the following decades would precipitate a revolution towards progressive values, civil rights, and social equality—and the design profession would not be excluded. This was an era when all the faces in children’s books were white, but thanks to the Dillons, that was about to change.

Illustration for Blast Off by Linda C. Cain and Susan Rosenbaum, 1973, Diane Dillon, Leo Dillon, 1973, Original Source: AIGA Design Journeys: Diane and Leo Dillon
Illustration for Blast Off by Linda C. Cain and Susan Rosenbaum, 1973, Diane Dillon, Leo Dillon, 1973, Original Source: AIGA Design Journeys: Diane and Leo Dillon

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