Flier for "Stylisticstics Disco..." event by the Herculords
- Straightman (aka LAVA) 2 Designer
- Flyer 131
Type of Work
- Finished work 5557
- paper 1669
- printing 645
Printed Pages
Credit Line
Collection of the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture
Object number
Restrictions & Rights
Unknown – Restrictions Possible
Rights assessment and proper usage is the responsibility of the user.
Created by:
Straightman (aka LAVA), American, died 2020
Subject of
The Herculords, American
DJ Kool Herc, Jamaican American, born 1955
DJ J.C., American, 1961 - 2022
Kool DJ AJ, American, died 2015
Busy Bee Starski, American, born 1962
MC Ladie Lil-Lee, American
Owned by
DJ Kool Herc, Jamaican American, born 1955
This is a flier for a two-day event held by The Herculords at the Styliststics Disco in the Bronx, New York. The off-white, vertical flier has a black, rectangular border, is decorated with starts and animated hands pointed at important information, and Art Deco designs in the bottom corners. The four featured DJ’s are named and pictured on the flier, two on the left and two on the right. The black typeface reads: [THE PLACE TO BE: GRAND OPENING! / STYLISTICS…/ DISCO / The HERCULORD’S. / Presents / DJ Clark Kent / The Rock MACHINE, / GODFATHER DJ Kool Herc. / The Imperial / DJ & MC JC, / MC Sweet & Sour! / ALSO” KOOL DJ AJ / MC’S B.B. STARSKY & / LADIE LIL-LEE - MC LIL "D" / OCT, 12-13, 1979 / FRIDAY-SATURDAY! / ADM: $2.00 LADIES, GENTS $3.00 / PUT YOUR BODY IN IT! / 308 East 166 St. Bet. / FINDLAY COLLEGE / AVENUE. / COME ONE DOWN?]. On the bottom right, above the Art Deco design and along the margin in black typeface reads: [A STRAIGHTMAN FLYER! 427-7299].