Freedom and Bread (Freiheit und Brot)
“Freedom and Bread” (Freiheit und Brot) is a 1930 Reichstag Election Poster. It features a grain field with a Nazi swastika symbol acting as the sun. The top text translates to “Freedom and Bread” and the bottom text translates to “Vote Nazis – List 9”.
Worsening economic conditions across Germany had harmed public opinion of current political structure. After the end of World War I, Germany suffered from rising unemployment, lost wealth, and inflation. The ongoing “Freiheit und Brot” campaign promoted deceitful ideas that the Nazis used to obtain public support and trust. This political campaign was meant to communicate an idea of freedom, food, and security for all. Despite general citizens' belief in socialism as praised by the Nazi party, giving rights and food to impoverished populations, in reality they were supporting a calculated image of a political party whose goals were strict in law, order, and racial purity.