The Public Theater Logo Design


In 1994 Paula Scher, rebranded The Public Theater. In which this moment merged avant-garde visuals with a bold brand identity, one that created widespread resonation with a large audience. Scher was one the first designers to create a detailed branding system for the theater. 

Scher’s branding for The Public Theater drew from modernist influences, specifically Russian Constructivism, which was a large influence on the avant-gaurde design movement. These signature design elements included oversized typefaces, dynamic layouts, and bold color schemes. The branding system Scher created extended past posters, her design style was applied to other items such as, playbills, signage, and merchandise. She was able to create a recognizable brand identity for this iconic New York Theater. Scher broke away away from traditional, polished theater branding that was popularized at the time and pushed boundaries to include a more diverse audience. 

Scher’s work for The Public Theater shows how avant-garde modernism can push branding systems to become powerful tools. Paula Scher was able to not only challenge design conventions but also traditional gender conventions of women within the branding scene. 


Public Theater Logo Design Paula Scher
Public Theater Logo Design Paula Scher

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