Et le soleil s’endormit sur l’Adriatique (Sunset Over the Adriatic),
- Joachim Rapahael Boronali Painter
- Roland Dorgeles Art Assistant
- painting 55
Locations Made
- France 73
Happening during the rise of avant-garde art of the twentieth century, Et Le Soleil S'endormit Sur I'Adratique is a painting by a fictitious artist named Joachim-Raphael Boronali Genoa. In actuality, it was set up by writer and critic Roland Dorgeles, and the true artist of this painting was done by a donkey named, Lolo, a mascot and "entertainer" of a local bar called Le Lapin Agile.
As a mascot, Lolo elevated low culture into a “masterpiece status”, resonating with many everyday citizens by demonstrating that if art can be open to anyone it will be open to anyone. In addition, this prank also served as a pointed critique of Fauvism by blurring the line between artists and wild beasts to its extreme conclusion (Buist).