Peter Max: Superposter Book


The front (yellow) and back (blue) covers of Peter Max's Superposter Book. Published in 1971 by Crown Publishers Inc., New York, this art book contains a collection of psychedelic posters by the American artist Peter Max, as well as fan letters and art, along with pictures of the artists parents. 

After graduating from SVA, Petter Max became an integral figure in the art behind the hippies movement in the U.S. Max became a pop culture figure after appearing on many TV shows such as The NBC Tonight Show with Johnny Carson, and The Ed Sullivan Show. Max has appeared on the 1969 cover of time, and done the art for 1987 cover of Peoples Magazine.  Inspired by inner and outer space, his psychedelic work was quoted by critics as “the visual arts counterpart to the music of the Beatles."

This book seems to be out of print and is not offered on the artist's official website. However, there is a larger hardback book containing a majority of Max's works offered. Additional information and work can be found on the artist's linked website.

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