Nature Magazine December October 1935 Edition


Nature Magazine was published by the American Nature Association between 1923 and 1959. Issues of the magazine feature articles, poems, illustrations, and photographs. This particular issue was published in October of 1935.

The cover features a two color print, using brown and black ink along with a faded cream paper ground. This cover showcases the same logotype as later additions prior to nature illustrations being featured on the cover. Additionally, an American Nature Association (ANA) seal is present.

This issue features many large scale photographs and illustrations, including a section of photos submitted by readers. 

A good deal of ads are present in the front and back of the publication. Ads are present for paintings, photography guides, the Bell Telephone System, and glass eyes. An ad for a Chicago Hotel lists room rates starting at $2.50 a night. For reference, a yearly membership for the magazine cost $3.00 a year for readers in the U.S. and $4.00 abroad. An around the world tour for 100 days is listed for $550 to $645 or $5.75 a day.

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