loud paper, Volume 4, Issue 3
- Mimi Zeiger 15 Editor
- Ruth Keffer 2 Editor
- Chris Hall 2 Editor
- Joy Knoblauch Editor
- Melinda Silva 7 Editor
- Tayler Kim 2 Designer
- Publication 156
- Zine 45
- Mimi Zeiger 15
- paper 1369
- printing 444
Printed Pages
Locations Made
- United States 768
- California 241
- San Francisco 117
loud paper is a zine dedicated to increasing the volume of architectural discourse. It is a slambamgetitoutthere way of linking architectural thoughts, musings, and new work with the culture at large. http://loudpapermag.com/
Founded by Mimi Zeiger, loud paper was published from 1997-2008. The publication was digitally archived as part of the loud paperReading Room and Residency at Stairwell LA in 2024.
loud paper, Volume 4, Issue 3: Art and Architecture
Book reviews: You Shall Know Us By Our Velocity, Transurbanism, Dead Cities, Out of Ground Zero; Essays on Seoul, Korea, Americana, the practice of architecture, computation and time, transgressive architecture, on loving an architect, intersection of art/architecture; Profiles of Brian Alfred, Form:uLA; Interviews with Doug Aiken, Linda Taalman, Jorge Pardo, Camden Joy; Centerfold: Tucker Nicols; Art Reviews: Scanning: The Aberrent Architectures of Diller +Scofidio, Iñigo Manglano-Ovalle: Alltagszeit (In Ordinary Time); Music Reviews
Erik Adigard, Brian Alfred, Darrin Alfred, Doug Aiken, Periel Aschenbrand, Sean Baca, Juila Brown, Bryan Cantley, Martin de Leon II, Gil M. Doron, Todd Gannon, Mark Gee, Chris Grimley, Camden Joy, Julie Kim, Mariana Mogilevich, Tucker Nicols, Kevin O. Donnel, Jorge Pardo, Eric Reeder, Pollyanna Rhee, Chris Salter, Todd Shalom, John Southern, Rick Stoddart, Linda Taalman, Bridget Venne, Courtney Walker
Format: 8.5x11 inches, Digital, perfect bound, blue ink on newsprint, black and teal cover