loud paper, Volume 4, Issue 2
- Mimi Zeiger 15 Editor
- Chris Grimley 2 Editor
- Chris Hall 2 Editor
- Melinda Silva 7 Editor
- Enrique Mosqueda 2 Designer
- Publication 156
- Zine 45
- Mimi Zeiger 15
- paper 1394
- printing 457
Printed Pages
Locations Made
- United States 782
- California 242
- Oakland 9
loud paper is a zine dedicated to increasing the volume of architectural discourse. It is a slambamgetitoutthere way of linking architectural thoughts, musings, and new work with the culture at large. http://loudpapermag.com/
Founded by Mimi Zeiger, loud paper was published from 1997-2008. The publication was digitally archived as part of the loud paperReading Room and Residency at Stairwell LA in 2024.
loud paper, Volume 4, Issue 2: The House, Public
Editorial: The House, Public; Book reivews: Glitter Stucco and Dumpster Diving, Supermodernism, Everyroom Tells a Story, Tales from the Pages of Nest, Design Is..., California Modern, Stalking Detroit; Essays on Thomas Kinkade housing, prision architecture, Lilliput Lane homes, suburbs, housing bust, greem architecture and Brooks Scarpa, Los Angeles chinatown; Profile on Camilo Jose Vergara; Interview with Sandow Birk; Centerfold by robbf; Music reviews
Contributors: Sean Baca, Lex Bhagat, Sandow Birk, Alan G. Brake, Beverly Choe-Harris, Steven Casey, Robert Cook, Joe Day, Jennifer Doublet, Antonio Girafez, Eric Howeler, Sam Jacob, Karl Loescher, Bonnie Leung, Tony Nathan, Robbf, Martha Screaton-Burton, John Southern, Camilo Vergara, Andrew Wagner, Marlin Watson, Craig Willse
Format: 8.5x11, Digital, perfect bound, BW interior, red and black cover