American Bricolage


The term "bricolage" implies an assembly from varied, often found, materials. 

The project “American Bricolage” is an artists’ publication/exhibition catalog designed by Todd Alden and Tom Sachs. Each spread is hand assembled into plastic sleeves with content related to the artists work and installation instructions, creating a bricolage of the included artists  process and their existence as american artists. labeled with stick-on tags, the book collects and organizes the work of Hope Atherton, Chris Burden, Greg Colson, Wim Delvoye, Tom Friedman, Tim Hawkinson, Toland Grinnell, Jon Kessler, Tom Sachs, and Richard Wentworth.

American Bricolage 1
American Bricolage- Sperone Westwater
American Bricolage- Sperone Westwater
American Bricolage 3
American Bricolage 4
American Bricolage 5
American Bricolage 6

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