‘Important Dates in Negro History’ Woodson, Carter G. -- Notes


This timeline of important dates in Black History was created by Arturo A. Schomburg (1874–1938) and sent to Carter G. Woodson (1875-1950) sometime between 1874 and 1937. Educational material and data often spread this way and others increasingly from the 19th to 20th centuries, allowing for more proliferation of educational knowledge in the U.S. especially among minority groups. 

Schomburg and Woodson were both historians of African descent in the U.S. (Schomburg himself being from Puerto Rico.)







Timeline of Black History; one column of dates left and info column right.
Timeline of Black History; one column of dates left and info column right.
Timeline of Black History; one column of dates left and info column right.
Timeline of Black History; one column of dates left and info column right.