Carta de Portugal continental (Map of mainland Portugal)


According to the description in the catalog for this object on the Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal's website, this map includes a range of of information about the geography, history, populations, and more of the country of Portugal. Some specifics that the description mentions are “flags and dates alluding to some of the most important battles in the history of Portugal”,  hydrographic and orographic charts (information on length of main rivers and altitudes of mountain ranges), “a table with the territorial division of the country” organized by various aspects, and “data relating to the country's railway network” (Bibiloteca Nacional de Portugal). 

This map represents a collection of various different forms of data visualization. In addition to the standard tables of numbers in the right margin, the map also communicates data and information through color, seen in the territorial divisions on the map itself, as well as imagery, seen in the representation of the mountain altitudes on the bottom left. 

This map in particular is evidence of data visualization's role in education. The description of this map indicates that it was “authorized for use in official and private schools on the mainland and in the Portuguese colonial empire”(BNP). From this we can consider how data visualization is an important tool in communicating educational information in a memorable and understandable way for students at any level. 

Unfortunately, there is very limited information on the creator of this map. The only information provided is that it was “coordinated” by Augusto Ladeiro, presumably a school inspector. The only other related information the catalog provides is that is seemed to be published at/in “Port: Lito-Maia” or “Lithography Maia”. 

Unfortunately again, this is the largest size of the image that is available digitally (it seems the BNP has not yet added a larger scale/higher resolution image of this map to their digital library yet). 

Map of continental Portugal
Map of continental Portugal

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