Marilyn Monroe Tru-glo Liquid Makeup Ad
This newspaper is utilizing celebrity Marilyn Monroe for their advertisement in hopes it will appeal to more people. By utilizing a celebrity to sell a cheap product, people then believe that if they have that product they will be more like the celebrity. In this case, Marilyn Monroe is known for being beautiful, so by using her for a makeup advertisement, people will believe if they use the makeup, they will be beautiful as well. This is a very popular tactic used in advertising and design. This creates unrealistic beauty standards for women in society.
Additionally, the layout of the product images and text on the page create a very engaging composition. The designer chose to have the photograph of Marilyn take up most of the space on the page so that would be what the audience would focus most on. The balance of images and text along the side and bottom of the page allows the products to stand out. For example, Tru-glo, the name of the makeup, is in a different, larger typeface and a different color. This draws viewers attention to the name of the product. The prices are also larger, in a different typeface and color. The liquid makeup bottle has a black background which also makes it stand out against the neutral page.