Imprensa Nacional 1912 Type Catalog


Even though the period of major industrial advancement did not come to Portugal until later in the 20th century, there were still advancements being made in the design industry in the late 19th and early 20th century, especially around the time of the establishment of the Portuguese Republic in 1910. 

This is a Type Catalog released by Portugal's National Press in 1912. The catalog contains a variety of typefaces and decorative elements. This catalog had a significant increase in the variety of new typefaces, point sizes, styles, and decorative elements compared to the Imprensa Nacional's previous Type Specimen Catalog released in 1888, showing the growth of the design industry in printing. 

António Fonseca, a Portuguese graphic designer, also states in his article on Portuguese Type Specimens that “some fonts are advertised for use in the Linotype machines that were becoming very popular around the industrialized world.” This detail is evidence of the wave of industrialization that was just starting to creep into the Portuguese design sphere. 

type specimen page showing capital letters in various fonts
type specimen page showing capital letters in various fonts
type specimen page showing display text sizes in various fonts
type specimen page showing display text sizes in various fonts