Le Deuxième Sexe, Simone de Beauvoir 


This is an essay by feminist writer, Simone de Beauvoir, that blends existentialism and phenomenology, arguing that women’s oppression is not predetermined or natural. She critiques both men for sexism and women for passivity, stating both sexes are responsible for much needed change. According to Beauvoir, feminism’s success depends on birth control and women’s access to work.

Despite the work's heavy criticism, it was wildly popular across the world. Some argue it was a key factor in starting second wave feminism. 

This edition was published in the famous “Collection Blanche” which is the large collection of French literature from Éditions Gallimard,  appeared in 1911. The appearance of the collection has changed little throughout its history. The “Collection Blanche”'s book covers design retains the same formal characteristics : beige background, black and red edging and red typography. Only the choice of typography changes throughout the books. Thus, different cover models have punctuated the history of the collection, each referring to a different conception of the book's typography. The NRF symbol refers to “La Nouvelle Revue française” which was a French literary and critical review founded in 1908 and which precedes the creation of Gallimard editions.

Due to its longevity, the collection constitutes a total editorial object, capable of revealing all the technical, cultural, social, economic, political and aesthetic dimensions that make up the field of publishing.

Feminist Essay Outlining Problems and Solutions
Feminist Essay Outlining Problems and Solutions