“Our Folk Tales: High John the Conqueror and Other Afro-American Tales”

"While registering voters throughout the deep south as a member of SNCC, Julius Lester collected these African-American folk songs and tales, which later became part of his 1969 book 'Black Folk Tales.' The title page has a black panther reading a red colored book to 3 young children. Lester has stated that this was published in-house at SNCC and he believes that less than 1,000 copies were printed. The illustrator Jennifer Lawson, a Black artist, later became senior vice-president at the Corporation for Public Broadcasting."— https://catalogue.swanngalleries.com/Lots/auction-lot/-BLACK-PANTHERS--Julius-Lester-compiler-Our-Folk-Tales-High-?saleno=2562&lotNo=74&refNo=777663
“Our Folk Tales: High John the Conqueror and Other Afro-American Tales”

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