Wei wei bu dong Taishan shen gen jie guo bao juan ( 巍巍不動太山深根結果寳卷 )


Wei wei bu dong Taishan shen gen jie guo bao juan is a Buddhist Manuscript written in Chinese.  After viewing this manuscript in person, and seeing its accordion-style binding I was surprised to find that online, it is almost impossible to tell the book's binding style by visuals alone. One has to look at its description, where one of its genres is “accordion fold format.” The website even has a “page turner” tab, which makes it appear that this manuscript is a bound book. This highlights how printing technologies changed the way that we conceive of books, and not always for the better: because bound books became so popular in western cultures, the digital archive this manuscript is displayed on caters to bound, printed books, and is consequently unable to display this manuscript's accordion format properly.

Side of the manuscript
Side of the manuscript
Front of the manuscript, unfolded
Front of the manuscript, unfolded
Front of the manuscript, unfolded
Front of the manuscript, unfolded
Front of the manuscript, unfolded
Front of the manuscript, unfolded
The manuscript on the digital archive viewer
The manuscript on the digital archive viewer