The Campus Story Told In Pictures


The Campus Story Told In Pictures is a Miami University Official Publication newspaper that tells the history of Miami through black and white images. This archive was made in May 1965 and was published by Miami University. The height of the archive is 38 centimeters and the length is 27 ½ centimeters. The archive was also entered at the post office at Oxford, Ohio, as the second class matter under the Act of August 24th, 1912. This archive dives into the past but also gives a glimpse of the future. We not only see and learn about Miami's history but we also discover Graphic Design forming inside the archive.

The Campus Story Told In Pictures shows great detail of Miami's campus through the 60's. We see Miami's architecture, residential and classroom halls, laboratories, the campus map, student activities, facilities, sports, and Miami's future plans.  The archive's images are neatly layout with small descriptions describing each page. The archives color choice is older. Although color printing was available in 1965, newspapers were entirely in black and white. The archive was an off-white newspaper color. However, the color turned over time giving it a tanish-brown color now. 

Overall, The Campus Story In Pictures is a Graphic Design Archive. This archive is filled with Miami history and life.