Army Counterintelligence Corps Japan Travel Guide


So You're Going to Japan is a manual from around 1952 – 1955 given to American counterintelligence units who would be deployed to occupied Japan. Although the text explains Japan's new sovereignty post-WWII, American intelligence continued to involve themselves in Japan's politics. In an effort by American military leaders to familiarize their newly deployed intelligence with Japanese culture, the US Army printed So You're Going to Japan with tips and studies. This includes brief Japanese history, a reading list, entertainment and food suggestions, helpful phrases, exchange rates, and even warnings against eating seafood or confusing geishas for prostitutes. 

Between the Chop Suey cover font, Americanized perspective of Japanese culture throughout, and continued influence in “sovereign” Japan post-WWII, this manual commodifies Japan as a submissive country with exotic delights for Americans to indulge in. 

A manual titled "So You're Going to Japan" that details Japanese culture and tips from the perspective of US military.
A manual titled "So You're Going to Japan" that details Japanese culture and tips from the perspective of US military.