A Walk In Time


A Simpson Paper Company paper promotion for the Teton line of text and cover papers.   Created in 1974, this 16-page booklet demonstrates the printability of this line of printing paper.  

 The subject is the history and ecology of  Pt. Reyes National Seashore.  Jaren Dahlstrom, the designer, uses a variety of printing techniques to explore the creative possibilities of this versatile printing paper.   From the embossing of the title on the front cover to the use of metallic gold and black duotone on Sir Francis Drake's plaque, or a combination of solid magenta and a black line photograph of the ship, or the combination of solid black and line drawing of the Osprey, to the use white inks on various other images.  Jaren put this paper through its paces and Simpson's Teton's various colors came through brilliantly.  By demonstrating outstanding ink hold and the printability of this paper this design did exactly what the client needed to prove that they don't sell paper; they sell how good ink looks on the paper. 

The graphic design firm is Crow-Quill Studios, San Francisco, CA .  Copywriter Steve Bevitt, illustrator & photographer  Jaren Dahlstrom,  and the historical illustrations are from the S.F. Historic  Society.