Nicolò Granata, the first advertising graphic designer in Caltanissetta


During in-depth research on Sicilian graphic references, I had the opportunity to discover an extraordinary figure who profoundly influenced twentieth-century advertising design in Caltanissetta: Nicolò Granata.

He was born in Caltanissetta in 1901, was highly appreciated from a young age for his gift as an acute observer and above all for his passion for drawing and painting. Trained at the Academy of Fine Arts in Palermo, he taught drawing and calligraphy at the Technical Institute of Caltanissetta, before choosing to dedicate the rest of his career exclusively to the world of art.

The precursor of today’s advertising designers, he worked, starting from the 1920s, in Caltanissetta and throughout Sicily. A prominent figure of the time, admired for both his inventiveness and refined graphic technique. Considered a master of hand drew, he created posters and advertising brands for local and non-local companies, but also projects for the facades and shop windows of the historic center of Caltanissetta. Furthermore, he collaborated with the local newspapers of the time as a caricaturist.

In 1924 Granata invented advertising graphics in Caltanissetta, designing signs, brands, shop fronts and attracting the attention of the major traders of the time in the city. He was appointed member of the Academy of “I 500” of the Latinitate Excolaendae and of the Tiberina.

His work shows how Niccolò Granata was able to express international canons and respect the local characteristics of the city of Caltanissetta, creating excellent examples of art deco. His works are characterized by flair, elegance and a strong sense of colour. In the 1930s, various cultural events were organized in Caltanissetta and the rest of the island, including art exhibitions, which had to be advertised and therefore the now proven experience of the graphic designer Nicolò Granata was used. In July 1930 he designed a poster where he showed his activity as an advertiser and painter, representing himself with a palette in his hands and proposes himself for the creation of advertising art and warehouse projects and oil painting, watercolor and tempera. In 1932 the “La Commerciale” typography was born by Michele Granata, Nicolò’s brother, and Giuseppe Lipani. In 1943, following the bombings, the headquarters was destroyed, only to be opened again a year later with the name “LussoGrafica”, a name suggested by Nicolò Granata, always devoted to the cult of aesthetics applied to printing. The LussoGrafica printing and publishing house is still very active in the sector today. His inventiveness and graphic technique allowed Granata to  emerge as a prominent figure in the artistic and advertising landscape of the time, influencing generations of designers and artists. Nicolò Granata’s works represent an extraordinary example of talent and passion combination, creating an impact in the world of art and design.

Nicolò Granata, manifesto autopromozionale, 1930
Nicolò Granata, manifesto autopromozionale, 1930
Nicolò Granata, manifesto autopromozionale, 1940
Nicolò Granata, manifesto autopromozionale, 1940
Bozzetto per il prospetto della pasticceria Alù, 1937
Bozzetto per il prospetto della pasticceria Alù, 1937
Nicolò Granata, the first advertising graphic designer in Caltanissetta 4
Bozzetto per il prospetto della pasticceria Denaro, 1931
Bozzetto per il prospetto della pasticceria Denaro, 1931
Bozzetto per il prospetto del negozio di tessuti Emilio Lo Monaco, 1934
Bozzetto per il prospetto del negozio di tessuti Emilio Lo Monaco, 1934
Bozzetto per il prospetto del negozio di giocattoli G. Falci, 1933
Bozzetto per il prospetto del negozio di giocattoli G. Falci, 1933
Manifesto pubblicitario torrone M. Geraci, 1937
Manifesto pubblicitario torrone M. Geraci, 1937
Manifesto pubblicitario torrone Cortese, il torrone nisseno, 1936
Manifesto pubblicitario torrone Cortese, il torrone nisseno, 1936
Manifesto pubblicitario dell'Amaro Siciliano Boldrini
Manifesto pubblicitario dell'Amaro Siciliano Boldrini
Manifesto della Mostra Provinciale d’Arte, Caltanissetta, a cura del Sindacato delle Arti, Settembre 1938
Manifesto della Mostra Provinciale d’Arte, Caltanissetta, a cura del Sindacato delle Arti, Settembre 1938
Manifesto della Prima Mostra d’Arte Sacra contemporanea, Aprile 1952
Manifesto della Prima Mostra d’Arte Sacra contemporanea, Aprile 1952
Manifesto per Pubblicità Affissioni, 1954
Manifesto per Pubblicità Affissioni, 1954

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