Modi Xerox Desk Calendar 1992


This is a 1992 desk calendar for Modi Xerox, a document company based in India primarily focussing on providing machines for photocopying. It is important to note that this work was produced in an era before desktop publishing, digital photography, and Adobe Photoshop.

The concept and design by Sunita Khosla of The Creative Cell explore the importance of great thinkers, writers, explorers, inventors, and artists to the document. 

The challenge of finding props for each set-up was immense at a time in India where things were not always easy to find.

Visually, the most striking aspects apart from the illustrations by Gopi Kukde are the compositions by Khosla and the photography by Kapil Syal. The latter is especially true for the case of December, featuring Einstein, where to get the flow effect of the famous formula, E=MC2, Syal had to make a slide of the formula and had it projected onto the setup to be photographed. Polaroids were used to check the exposure before the final picture was taken.

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