LEGO MindStorms RoboSports Packaging


This is the packaging for LEGO set #9730 RoboSports. This set came out in 1998 and was part of the MindStorms line. 

This set in particular was a sort of add-on set to the MindStorms Robotics Invention System, which was a much larger set that contained the electronic elements that brought the LEGO robots to life. 

RoboSports came with a small CD-ROM with challenges for the builder to take on, instructions on how to build the various robots, and the parts required to build said robots.

The design of this line's packaging was ultimately problematic for LEGO. Unlike basically every other LEGO set released at the time, MindStorms did not advertise the product on the front of its box art. This led to consumers not knowing enough about what they would be buying. This has since changed in newer MindStorms sets that feature the robots that can be built in the set front and center.

However, this odd design choice makes this early era of MindStorms very unique. The 90's and early 2000's was an exploratory time for LEGO. On the edge of bankruptcy, they were forced to think outside of the box and throw anything at the wall to see what stuck in order to keep the company afloat. Abstract and confusing packaging design, though fun to look at, was one of the ideas that wouldn't stick around for long.

The line's packaging was produced by the MindStorm's development team who worked on designing the products as well. This team was assembled by The Lego Group and they collaborated with MIT to develop the line. This first MindStorms team would be shut down by Lego only a few years later in 2001.



BrickLink: BrickLink. “RoboSports.” BrickLink, Accessed 30 Apr. 2024.

BrickSet: “Lego Mindstorms 1998.” Brickset.Com, Accessed 30 Apr. 2024.

MIT Media Lab: Resnick, Mitchel. “Member Collaboration: Lego Mindstorms.” MIT Media Lab, Accessed 30 Apr. 2024.


Submitted by Connor Tagliaferri (@connr_tgliafrri.png)

Front of box
Source: Portland, OR
Front of box
Back of box
Source: Portland, OR
Back of box
Top of box
Source: Portland, OR
Top of box
Bottom of box
Source: Portland, OR
Bottom of box
Side of box
Source: Portland, OR
Side of box
Side of box
Source: Portland, OR
Side of box

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