昭和モダン 広告デザイン 1920-30s Showa Modern Advertising Design 1920-30s  


Imagine Japan in the 1920s and 1930s, when cities became increasingly international, with new restaurants, cafes, and shops popping up; this is known as a "cosmopolitan culture."  People were also obsessed with design, using posters, fliers, and even product packaging to promote products in novel and interesting ways. This book is like a treasure chest filled with over 200 of these old advertisements.  Looking at them will make you feel both nostalgic (like a trip down memory lane) and excited (because the designs are so cool and different). 

Featured: calendars, flyers, notepads, envelopes, catalogues, leaflets, posters, product packaging, matchbox labels, illustrations, print ads

Editing: Seigensha Editorial Department
Art Direction: Yuma Harada
Format: B6
Total pages: 224
Binding: Binding
ISBN: 978-4-86152-874-3 C0070
Size: 128 x 182 x11mm, 280g

Showa Modern Advertising Design 1920-30s  cover taken from the provided source
Showa Modern Advertising Design 1920-30s cover taken from the provided source

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