2003 Alabama Cattlemen License Plate


The license plate sports simple scenery in the background, with a sunset over a pond in the background. In the foreground, directly next to the license numbers, a cattleman sits atop a horse next to a cow and her calf, and in the opposite lower corner, the official stamp of the Alabama Cattlemen's Association is printed. The type below the numbers reads “Stewards of the Land”, highlighting Alabama's rich ranching scene and history. The use of illustration in the plate grabs the audience's attention and highlights a simplified version of the life of a cattleman, garnering interest. The Alabama 2003 Cattlemen license plate serves as a tangible example of the intersection between graphic design and cultural representation. Designer unknown.

2003 Alabama Cattlemen License Plate 1
Source: www.ebay.com
2003 Alabama Cattlemen License Plate 2
Source: www.ebay.com

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