New Balance Ad
- New Balance Athletic Shoe Company Production Company
- Advertisement 218
Type of Work
- Finished work 5484
The success of a sneaker is heavily influenced by its marketing strategy, with advertising campaigns playing a vital role in grabbing consumers' attention. Over the last five decades, New Balance has not only expanded its range of iconic sneakers but has also excelled in marketing them effectively. While discussing the performance features of footwear might not interest everyone, New Balance has consistently presented this information in a creative, engaging, and sometimes humorous manner.
This advertisement utilizes vivid imagery and bold typography to guide the viewer's eye from top to bottom. It effectively promotes both the New Balance brand and the sport of tennis in a straightforward manner that could have been two popular features during this period. Featuring multiple shoe styles allows the audience to connect with their preferred style. In line with the advertising trends of the 1980s, this ad incorporates large paragraphs and prominent text to highlight its message. New Balance has experienced a resurface in the fashion industry in the 2020s, and its advertisements continue to resonate with consumers, maintaining a consistent visual identity reminiscent of the 80s.