Nick Bertke, also known by his stage name "Pogo" is an electronic music artist hailing from Australia. Despite having some projects that are made from sounds that are 100% his own (Remix The World, Be Kind to Your Donkey, to name a few), they are mostly known for utilizing nostalgia from old films and television to generate emotion in their music. This is Pogo's oldest and most popular work, where nearly all the sounds are sampled from the original source, Disney's Alice in Wonderland. In the audio world, the genre is called Plunderphonics. "Plunderphonics is a music genre where tracks are constructed by sampling recognizable musical works. The term was coined by composer John Oswald in 1985 in his essay "Plunderphonics, or Audio Piracy as a Compositional Prerogative", and eventually explicitly defined in the liner notes of his Grayfolded album." When paired with the visual aspect, it creates what one might argue is visual music. The term Plunder Graphics (coined by Louise Sandhaus in 2021) might be a good term to help describe exactly what this is, the resampling of visual content to generate art. Pogo uses this method of artmaking to expand upon other historical projects produced by teams like Disney, Pixar, Studio Ghibli, and more from popular film and television. With 28 million views (April 22, 2021), it is historically relevant as one of the earliest examples of PlunderGraphics ever to exist.