Sasakure Festival 2012 by Asuka Watanabe ササクレフェスティバル2012


This is a poster for the Sasakure Festival 2012 by Asuka Watanabe. Asuka Watanabe is a graphic designer and illustrator based in Tokyo, Japan. This poster is colorful and very abstract. There is use of greens, yellows, blues, and reds. You can see any abstract floating shapes such as cones, spheres, and staircases. There is an archway door centered on the image. Towards the bottom, there is information about the event such as admission fee, location, time, and date. You can also see the sound act list of artists who will be performing.

Sasakure Festival 2012 by Asuka Watanabe ササクレフェスティバル2012

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