Good Ol' Charlie Brown Game (1971)


The Good Ol' Charlie Brown Game gets its name from a series of comic strips released between 1955 and 1957. Charlie Brown would continue to be referenced with the same moniker in comics following. During the same time period, Milton Bradley would release accompanying puzzles with low puzzle piece count for children. Good Ol’ Charlie Brown has a sister game released in the same year called “Lucy's Tea Party Game.”

This game functions as a great example of how to convert an IP to a physical product and how good design affects people's lives for the better with a fun little game!

Good Ol' Charlie Brown Game (1971) 1
Source: Ebay Listing
Good Ol' Charlie Brown Game (1971) 2
Source: Ebay Listing
Good Ol' Charlie Brown Game (1971) 3
Source: Ebay Listing
Good Ol' Charlie Brown Game (1971) 4
Source: Ebay Listing
Good Ol' Charlie Brown Game (1971) 5
Source: Ebay Listing
Good Ol' Charlie Brown Game (1971) 6
Source: Ebay Listing
Good Ol' Charlie Brown Game (1971) 7
Source: Ebay Listing

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