The Legend Of Zelda Game (1988)


The Legend of Zelda Games was released the same year as the second game was in North America. Presumably, to stir interest in the game series to a younger audience, the gameplay is rudimentary and targeted to kids. This would not be the first or last board game Milton Bradley would develop for Nintendo. Milton Bradley would also develop board game versions of Super Mario Bros, Donkey Kong, Donkey Kong Country, and Pokemon alongside Pacman, Frogger, and Sonic for their respective companies.

This game is a great example of how to adapt a product from the screen into a physical product and how good design affects people's lives through a fun game!

The Legend Of Zelda Game (1988) 1
Source: Ebay Listings
The Legend Of Zelda Game (1988) 2
Source: Ebay Listings
The Legend Of Zelda Game (1988) 3
Source: Ebay Listings
The Legend Of Zelda Game (1988) 4
Source: Ebay Listings

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