"Let Your True Colors Drive You" Volkswagen and Campus Pride ad campaign 


Carolina Volkswagen teams up with the Charlotte-based company, Campus Pride, by donating a portion of sales to Campus Pride with this ad campaign. Low Country and Carolina Volkswagen pledged to donate $100 for every Volkswagen purchased between the start of the Charlotte Pride Festival and will run for five months, ending on December 31, 2014. The only thing the buyer has to do is mention Campus Pride or say anything in support of the LGBTQ+ community for Volkswagen to make the donation.

This campaign features Charlotte's local drag queen Buff Faye in the back of a VW Beetle surrounded by Volkswagen Beetles in rainbow colors. The text reads "Let your true colors drive you," showing their support for the LGBTQ+ community and the Campus Pride organization at a time when gay marriage wasn't even legal yet.




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