“Black is Beautiful” Added by Brockett Horne 154 on Jan 27th, 2021 Date 1968 Credits Emmett McBain 15 Format Advertising 541 Type of Work Finished work 5532 Clients Vince Cullers Advertising Inc, Chicago Links www.aiga.org… "Ad for Vince Cullers Advertising, Inc., creative direction by McBain" — https://www.aiga.org/2017-aiga-medalist-emmett-mcbain#slideshow-0-6 Tags BIPOCBIPOCBlack DesignerAfrican AmericanEmmett McBainChicagoTypographytypographicalBlack historyRacismactivismAmericanBIPOC designer60s1960sBlack Powernontraditional formatadvertisingadsVince Cullers Advertising Inc.University of IllinoisBlack and whiteBlack designersAIGA medal