J&M gift catalog
- Johnston & Malone 17 Founder
- Catalog 85
Type of Work
- Finished work 5560
- printing 666
Locations Made
- United States 895
- Alabama 14
- Auburn 3
This 1970s Gift Catalog shows gives many attributions to the design during this time period. Starting with the form as a whole, the bright yellow paper is an eye-catching color. Moving onto the type, there is mainly sans serif, like the beautiful font used for “Auburn University” on the cover page.
Within the catalog, the design is clean and organized with small images across the middle of the spread and the information surrounding it. With technology rising and online shopping not being available until the 80s, this would be a common item inside the store. On the far left side there is an area to fill out the information to buy the items within the catalog.
Just by reading through all the items and looking at the images, beginning to take a walk down memory lane of Johnston & Malone in Auburn, Alabama.