Christmas Cheer greeting card
- Greetings Cards 20
- Holiday Card 11
Type of Work
- Finished work 5443
- paper 1213
24 × 20 cm
Locations Made
This is a Christmas greeting card that reads “Christmas Cheer”. The paper this card has been printed on has a slight textured tooth. The card has a glossy finish and is folded into a Quarter fold. The card has an illustrated picture of winter scenery on the cover and most likely was printed in four different colors. the bottom edge of the paper is cut into a curvilinear shape to add interest.
The inside of the card also included an lustration along with text. the text is an italic serif font. the card contains the bible verse, “The blessing of the Lord is upon you” Psalm 129:8. This holiday card is important to History because we can see how the printing prosses of cards has evolved over the years.