Alabama license plate
This license plate design, issued in Alabama in 1986, bears a simple yet delightful design, both functional as a vehicle identifier and pleasing to the eye. Like other plates made before the early 2000s, it features embossed license numbers with blue type, and has a simple three tone color palette using white, blue and red. It makes excellent use of these three colors, however: red is implemented on the top and bottom of the plate, in the “Heart of Dixie” tagline and state name respectively, effectively creating a frame around the plate that draws the viewer's eye to the license numbers in the center. This plate uses blue stickers to denote expiration date unlike plates from earlier decades. The state name is written in a condensed serif font, which contrasts nicely with “Heart of Dixie”, which is written in wide sans serif. Hearts are also featured more prominently on the design in the upper corners. The plate itself was made using prison labor - the original designer is unknown. Dimensions are 6 x 12 inches as per passenger issue plate standards.