Sound of Los Angeles Records 45 RPM Label


The record is a 45 RPM vinyl produced by SOLAR, or Sound of Los Angeles Records. The label is on a purple background, with stars and planets representing the galaxy. A multicolored comet’s tail arches over a third of the label, with the SOLAR logo and full name spelled out in its wake. The logotype is pink, overlapping type, and was the only logo used during the record company’s short lifespan. It was inspired by the logo of the record label Soul Train Records, which SOLAR Records replaced.  

This design and logo represent SOLAR’s efforts to provide a record label for disco and soul music. The label became an iconic staple of disco music in Los Angeles and signed with many popular artists, having a successful symbiotic relationship with them. The design of this record carries the legacy of the SOLAR sound and the funky style of the 1970s and 80s popular in every aspect, from music to fashion to design.