1987 Buick Advertisment 


A July 1987 Buick advertisement features multiple images of the car alongside symbols representing American culture, such as the eagle. Magazine advertisements were a prominent method for promoting products during the 1980s. The layout of this particular magazine ad is characterized by its unbalanced nature, with a centered alignment and lengthy headings. Additionally, the text alignment around the images creates asymmetrical columns, making it challenging to read. These images were captured through photography, with initial experimentation in cropping and early-stage Photoshop editing for design purposes. The inclusion of a person driving the car reflects the technological limitations of the time, as advanced techniques for removing individuals from images, as seen in contemporary ads, were not available. This allowed for the incorporation of more images within a single layout design. The layout did its intentions by having a unique detail and captured the attention of consumers by its asymmetrical images placed within the layout.

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