Design No. 163


Front and Back cover designs by Koji Kusafuka for Bijutsu Shuppan-sha.

Bijutsu Shuppan-sha is an art and design publisher established in Japan,  1944. 

Koji Kusafuka was commissioned for this work in 1972, This specific issue is No.163.

The design choices in the cover reflect the contents and ideology of design in Japan at the time as the psychedelic-Retro style gained popularity on a global scale. We can see reflections of these elements and influences with a focus on science, emphasis on more abstract rounded forms, and a new take on the stylistic approach with experimental collage and typographic choices.

Design No. 163_Koji Kusafuka for Bijutsu Shuppan-sha
Design No. 163_Koji Kusafuka for Bijutsu Shuppan-sha
Design No. 163 2

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