Parco Poster 


Eiko Ishioka, renowned as a Japanese graphic designer, art director, and costume designer, made significant career contributions during her tenure as chief art director at Parco, a prestigious Japanese department store. Known for her radical campaigns, she diverged from conventional product-centric approaches. Ishioka notably featured diverse female models coming from all over the world, challenging the stereotypical portrayal of the petite and meek Japanese girl, as shown in this Parco print ad from 1976. The model is depicted as big and bold on a dark background, contrasting with the white garment. Ishoka also did not shy away from using nudity and erotism in the ads, paired with strong feminist taglines. 

Parco Poster, Eiko Ishioka, 1976, Japan
Parco Poster, Eiko Ishioka, 1976, Japan