Silver Springs Brochure


These digital items are copies of a brochure that advertises Silver Springs located in Marion County, Florida.  The brochure includes a map of Florida and a description of Silver Springs water discharge measurement, water stages, chemical analysis and climate. Following the American Civil War, Silver Springs became Florida's first tourist attraction and this brochure gives visitors a description of the spring and its attractions , such as the famous glass bottom boat. This brochure also gives readers insight into the history of human use surrounding the spring and how it developed to become a tourist attraction. The transparent waters of Silver Springs made the spring an inviting tourist attraction in Florida and became a popular filming location at the time, including movies such as Tarzan the Ape Man (1932), other popular attractions were Ross Allen's Reptile Institute, and the “Seminole Indian Village”.

Brochure for Silver Springs located in Marion County, Florida
Brochure for Silver Springs located in Marion County, Florida
Brochure for Silver Springs located in Marion County, Florida
Brochure for Silver Springs located in Marion County, Florida
Brochure for Silver Springs located in Marion County, Florida
Brochure for Silver Springs located in Marion County, Florida
Brochure for Silver Springs located in Marion County, Florida
Brochure for Silver Springs located in Marion County, Florida
Brochure for Silver Springs located in Marion County, Florida
Brochure for Silver Springs located in Marion County, Florida

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