Hafez Shirazi The Poet
- Book 749
- Hardcover Book 48
This book is a Poetry book from the renowned Hafez Shirazi. This book was printed in 1969 (Gregorian calendar) or in 1369 (Hijri Calendar) in Iran, the printing of pages I believe is from a Lithograph. Hafez Shirazi created poetry that was known to change the lives of people who read his work, because of this he was on par with that of ‘Rumi’ the legendary Afghan poet.
“Hafez.” Wikipedia, 11 Aug. 2022, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hafez.
“Hafez | Divan of Hafiz | Biography from Birth to Death.” Cyruscrafts, 6 Sept. 2022, www.cyruscrafts.com/blog/information/who-is-hafez-and-what-happened-in-his-life.
Inskeep, Steve. “NPR Choice Page.” Npr.org, 12 Feb. 2016, www.npr.org/sections/parallels/2016/02/12/466408554/in-iran-a-poets-700-year-old-verses-still-set-hearts-aflame.
“Persian Poet Hafez-e Shirazi + Biography.” Welcome to Iran, welcometoiran.com/persian-poet-hafez-e-shirazi/. Accessed 14 Nov. 2023.