Bernhard Gothic Heavy


Lucian Bernhard created type for his German poster style known as Sachplakat, or object poster.  His posters were used in advertising whereafter he protected his work by releasing his own typefaces.  He moved to Berlin in 1901 working as a poster designer and art director for magazines. In 1920 he emigrated to New York City, where he permanently attained residence and brought his German design influence. His design style was not appreciated in New York but he refused to compromise on his taste. This typeface was one of many created for his graphics and prints.  This sans serif font specimen includes a message to “all progressive printers” with information on its reproduction in type metal.  Bernhard's work is an excellent example of how industrialization in printing was used for advertisement in the early 20th century, as well as how industrialization changed the approach to graphics with minimalist images of mass produced products.

Berhard Gothic Heavy
Berhard Gothic Heavy

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