Imre: A Memorandum (2nd Edition)


Imre: A Memorandum is a 1906 novel written by American author Edward Prime-Stevenson, who originally published the book under the pseudonym “Xavier Mayne” to maintain his anonymity. This novel is one of the first to depict an openly homosexual relationship that did not end in tragedy. 

Originally published in Naples, Italy c. 1906, in a limited run of 500 copies, the book has since been reproduced on numerous occasions. This particular image showcases the cover of the second edition, released in 1908. 

This novel is quite impactful when considering the overlap between Queer and Design history, as the industrialization of the design industry increased accessibility to printing services. This allowed for authors (i.e. Xavier Mayne) to self-publish and privately print their works, contributing ideas or stories that would diversify the literate market. 

The industrialization of the design industry led to the increased production of texts and literature, allowing for more stories to be told and varying ideas to be shared; even tales of homosexual relationships that weren't libeled by claims of sin. 


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