2008 iPhone Flag Emojis
With the development of early text-messaging came difficulty with decoding tone, as messages were often short and direct. Emojis were developed to allow text-messages to show more emotion, originally through simple symbol combinations and eventually developing into small images that each connotate their own meaning and symbolism. Flags are designed to provide a communal signal that unites a group of people. Country flags were developed into emojis to allow individuals to represent themselves and illustrate their nationality. The flags had to be digitized and made readable at small sizes to accompany text.
The earliest flag emojis were published in 2008 in limited numbers, featuring only ten countries. Today, there are hundreds of flag emojis representing a variety of identities including countries and sexual orientations. These flags allow individuals to illustrate their identities and associations. The development of flag emojis is also highly political as nations and groups develop and seek digital representation in imagery that is controlled by emoji developers. Emojis function almost as their own typeface as each icon portrays both its direct imagery as well as changing contexts from groups co-opting them to create representation and community.