The Virginia Gayzette, vol. 2, no. 2


The Virginia Gayzette is one of many uncovered parts of LGBTQ+ print history excluded from the print canon. Volume 2 is one of many editions that discusses how LGBTQ+ individuals are viewed in multiple cultures and how their respective governments mistreat and demonize them in both secular and religious ways.  Each page is filled with reports of unconstitutional ordinances, statements of protest, and news of groups joining in support of the right to gay marriage, among other queer rights issues

The design of this newspaper goes against traditional design conventions generally observed in papers at the time like The New York Times.  It features both typed and handwritten sections and several informational graphics and community symbols. The Gayzette and papers like it were essential to establishing a community amongst LGBTQ+ individuals and keeping them informed. This would make a significant addition to the print canon, giving LGBTQ+ designers proper context, along with queer-based conventions to use as inspiration for any community-based activism they create.

The Virginia Gayzette, vol. 2, no. 2

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