Printing Geared Torwards Women


While printing is for everyone and is not geared towards one sex or the other the idea of printing on fabric was  a design geared towards women . In the 18th century silks, along with polychromatic printed cottons, were the most desirable of dress textiles. The image shows a printed silk that was used for women's dresses.  It is an interesting way to interpret printing and think about how a world changing idea such as the printing press evolved into a very prominant thing in many womens lives such as fashion. 

A stunning brocaded silk layers deep. Robe a la Francaise, 1760-70, The Met, 2009.300.903a,b
A stunning brocaded silk layers deep. Robe a la Francaise, 1760-70, The Met, 2009.300.903a,b

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