
Amleto Fiore7

LaCapaGira Movie Poster4

Fontology's specimen9

Cover of COLORS Magazine Issue #07 – Aids


Nel Nome Del Rock posters3

Pacific Wave Exhibition

Avellino Ultras Stickers23

Punk Artist 10

La Donna-Oggetto in Pubblicità4


Atlante Secondo Lenin5


Augusto Augusto Augusto7

Heller Packaging Program

Pirelli Pneumatici

Acqua Fiuggi13

Balzer Poster

Poster series on the promotion of the Catholic Catechism12

Mario Puppo: Campania Tourism Posters10

Il pneumatico che morde la strada

Roma città aperta posters6

América Invertida (Inverted America)

ELAH Biancaneve

World Cup Italy Program

Per Voi Signora8

Sensitive Content
Wrapping citrus66

Pippo Rizzo and the Sicilian Futurism 3

Chinol Aperitivo Poster6

Carpano Vermuth advertising poster

Aperitivo Zafferano

Give to the Nation: Subscription to the National Loan is Open until 1 March 1916

Quadratino Comic

Imre: A Memorandum (2nd Edition)

CARONTE cartoons for “La Luna, giornale umoristico e di teatri”10

La Loteria2

The Worth of Women: Wherein is Clearly Revealed Their Nobility and Their Superiority to Men and Fonte's Poetry2

Portolan Chart of the Black Sea

Cancioneiro da Biblioteca Nacional3

Orange Paper, Fruit Wrapper: Obstgenossenschaft Meran

Orange Paper, Fruit Wrapper: Luigi Martinelli

Orange Paper, Fruit Wrapper: ESO - Erzeugerorganisation Südtiroler Obstproduzenten

Sicily in posters6